Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things that money cannot buy

[1:02 pm]

2 cups of coffee = $2
1 chocolate muffin = $1
1 banana walnut muffin = $1

Breakfast with J by the side of my car at 0630 in the morning = PRICELESS

There's some things money can't buy, like spending time with her.



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is death?

[12:31 am]

For the past few days, I have sought solace within myself, trying to decipher the meaning of it all;

1. What is death?
2. What does it mean to us?
3. What can we do about it?

What is death? Death comes to us all. It's a celebration of the end of a meaningful life, if you have led one. If you hadn't then it would had been a life of regrets. Do you want to live a meaningful life or live a life of regrets?

What does it mean to us? To us mortals, it teaches us, not to take things for granted and to learn to appreciate all the little things in life. Just by knowing that you are still healthy and can do many things where the handicapped can't is something we should learn to appreciate. Do you tell your loved ones " I love you" before you leave for work everyday? Don't take your loved ones for granted. You may never know when you may suddenly lose them one day.

What can we do about it? Take a step back, look at yourself. Have you done the things that you have always wanted to do, yet you don't have the courage to do so for fear of being ridiculed or failing? I would rather lead a meaningful life rather than live in a life of regrets. So start to do the things you always wanted to do, so that when you are on your death-bed, you can tell yourself that you have been there and doned that.

In case you are wondering why I am writing such an abstract post here today..well, I lost a loved one to cancer last Saturday. Yes, it was a Valentine's Day. But we rather say that because he chose this special day to reunite with his beloved and to give her a special surprise. The last act of true love.

I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want to trouble all of you to come down when you are all busy with work, especially since our livelihood is pretty much under threat now.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

A surprise for J

[1:43 am]

Finally I passed her the surprise that had been sitting in my air-conditioned office since Friday morning. What is it?

A bouquet of pink-coloured tulips was the surprise I had been planning to give her for Valentine's Day. Even though she did mention that every day can be a Valentine's Day, just for this day, I had to make it special for her.

She was totally surprised by this gesture as I passed it to her on pretext of passing some stuff which I was supposed to do so on Thursday. Other than being surprised, I am not sure how she felt about my actions.

I think that by giving her flowers, I have already made my intentions known. Yet I know that she is not ready for another relationship and will prefer to let things run its natural course. I understand that totally and I also do not want her to be stressed out over it.

So lets see how it goes.



Friday, February 13, 2009

Creating Opportunities for career progression

[8:10 pm]

My direct boss called me into his office for a chat just before I left. It seems that our boss (hereby known as Little God) has an impression that I am not putting in enough effort to project myself in front of the big bosses (hereby known as God); i.e the ones who decide whether we get our promotion, our appraisals, etc.

Little God felt that compared to my lesser counterparts who have "successfully" staged themselves in front of God, my contributions have not been significant. While my direct boss also expressed shock at such relevation, I was simply aghast at Little God's perception of me. I wondered why he came to such conclusion even though he has just took over not more than 3 months ago.

For someone who served God directly and was his "Imperial Guard"for two years, it was an insult to my capability. I have earned my stripes working amongst the different little Gods, God, different Gods and a couple of times, God-almighty himself.

Now that I have earned those stripes, I wanted to keep a low profile for a while and concentrate on training my kids and preparing them for the day when the button would be pressed. Yet Little God wants me portray myself more in front of God.

I am not impressed with such shameless show of boot-licking. I will not stoop so low just to be seen and heard by the higher management. I rather let my well-done job speaks for itself.

So, to little God; Don't pass any judgement on people when you don't know what they have achieved.



My night out with J

[12:17 am]

Our date always starts with an SMS..this time round it was to check out the chalet that I helped to book for her and to do some running..something that's always part of our itineary.

And we did something more interesting after our long run; we went for a beer at Charlie's Corner before going home. As usual, we talked about everything under the sun (moon this time), chatted about our views on V-day, our impending trip to Redang, going for our long-awaited Southern Ridge walk.

Sometimes I just wonder whether gals do mean what they say..that V-day is just another day and that there's nothing special to celebrate about. Well, I have learnt to read in between a girl's words and this time round, I have prepared something simple for her. In case my dear friend ZW is thinking, no, its not an i-POD nor is it a Samsung Omnia which she is dying to get...but rather something simple, yet special.

Something a girl should be getting to make her feel that extra special on V-day. That thing will be sitting in the comfort of my air-conditioned office till I give it to her on V-day. Go figure.



Monday, February 09, 2009

Responsibility vs Future Happiness

[2:55 pm]

"Hey, E is asking us whether we want to join them for Southern Ridge this saturday morning?"

"I wished I could, but I would have to go back to work this Sat. Sorry about that."

Do you know how heart-breaking it was to me, when I told J that? It is as if my heart a piece of paper torn into two pieces. On one side is the responsibility to the organisation, on the other is my future/potential happiness.

Hope the surprise I am planning on Friday will make up for all the red cards I have gotten.



Saturday, February 07, 2009

What does your birthday says about you?

[6:31 pm]

Go figure whether this is true for me..for the November boy

Has lots of extraordinary ideas.
Difficult to fathom.
Think forward.
Sharp thinking.
Fine, strong clairvoyance.
Make good doctors.
Know how to dig secrets.
Always thinking.
Less talkative.
Never quit.
Hardly become angry unless provoked.
Loves to be alone.
Think differently.
Self Motivated.
Doesn't appreciate praises.
Well-built, tough.
Deep love, emotions.
Uncertain in relationships.
High abilities.
Cant control emotions.



Monday, February 02, 2009

Time to go..

[8:09 pm]

3 years 3 months and 29 days till the chained eagle can soar through the of all the tyranny and hate.



Sunday, February 01, 2009

That others may sleep in peace..

[11:31 am]

Was out running with J just now when the handphone rang..

"Sir, are you on the way back?"
"For what?"
"You are the part of the crew today.."

My conversation was ended with some choice words, before I turned back with J towards my car. I have started running for only 20 mins and we were supposed to do a long one today!!

When you are on leave for the past week and nobody informs you that you are on watch, what can you do? Report sick and let them sort it out? Not my working style. In our line of work, we don't jeopardise other people's precious time with their loved ones. You can say, what about mine?

Well, as much as I want to spend whatever precious time I have with J (heck, the only time I can be with her is Sunday), I still have an obligation to do whatever is required of me, when the country calls. I know J is disappointed, but she doesn't shows it. Instead, she was understanding enough to adjourn our run to another day as we run back.

Thanks for being so understanding, J. I promise I will make it up to you soon.



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Finding A World Of My Own

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser