Sunday, January 27, 2008

Another one bites the dust..

[11:35 am]

Congrats to Brudder Harald on his ROM today.

Seems like he has invited an entourage of friends and relatives along..will she be there too? I miss her lots..

Out of the 5 of us, 2 have started on a new journey..whose next?


Sunday, January 20, 2008

I pray..

[10:16 pm]

that everything will go smoothly in my work..

that I will not get into any accidents..

that you will be safe whenever and wherever you are...



Thursday, January 17, 2008

Duty vs Love

[9:23 pm]

I love looking at planes taking off and landing; with every take-off it carries the dream of the people to their next destination, every landing unites people who have been separated for a which brings a smile to everyone.

Every time I see a SIA jet taking off or landing, I can just visualise you in it, going to someplace faraway, or coming back, jet-lagged. And with every in-flight emergency, it makes my heart skip a beat. If it's a SIA jet, I worry for your safety, if it's not, short of saying something better, I ain't bothered with it. For with every in-flight emergency, they may not see their loved ones and their smiles will turn into tears.

And I don't want to be the one add on to that. But if push comes to shove, can I really do it?



Saturday, January 12, 2008

Taking a route less travelled..

[12:03 pm]

I have reached a milestone today..this is post no. 300. Didn't realised I would have so much to write about..sometimes it's a repeat of whatever I have blogged about..but isn't what life is supposed to be; a circle of life which is revolving around? The past few posts have been very short, but at least it serve to remind me of what I need to write..

Well, although this has been a hectic week, with countless meetings (makes you wonder why do they have so much to talk about), endless deadlines and many more, my thoughts of you have not's still as concentrated as the first day.

But hey, at least the weekend is here again!! And what better to end the work week by having a drink or two? That was exactly what I did; a beer at Bala coupled with nice music and cool friends to end the week. Dear friend managed to obtain permission from wifey for dinner and drinks with his singleton buddy..still can't shake off the image of a big-time ex playboy submitting to a demure wife...haha..

An opinion sought with another friend has convinced me that the approach I have decided to adopt is correct..rather than sitting down and waiting for it to happen, I might as well go and do it. Flying has been a life-long passion and rather than waiting for my time to be up (sounds like I am in prison?..that's still a fact) and try my luck with SIA (and failing the first intereview), I have decided to take a route less travelled; by taking PPL, clocking up the hours and going for multi-engine rating before going for CPL..

And with the CPL, I can clock my flying hours while earning some spare cash..once my time in service is up, armed with these qualifications, I would be able to get into the SIA interview board well prepared.

Part of the reason why I am taking this less travelled route is because I want to cut short my training frame and fly with our dreams together..

Please give me the time and chance to let us live our dreams together, will you?



Monday, January 07, 2008

Preparing for a second career..

[10:22 pm]

..even though its 4 years away, I am going start by taking the first step; going for my PPL.

For those uninitiated ones, PPL stands for Private Pilot Licence. I am going to embark on my passion once NDP is over.

Once I get it, I will continue to clock more hours before going for multi-engine rating. Once I get that rating, it will be a stepping stone to my dream job with SIA. I hope I can use my flying to help the unfortunate by volunteering with an outfit similar to Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia.

Guess its time I start following my dream rather than let other people dictate my life..the MBA will take a back-burner for now.

And one day, I will fly you through the wild blue yonder..yes, just me and you..


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Thought of the day..

[9:06 pm]

Everyone is susceptible to mood swings, including yours truly...
I may be your sunshine boy on the outside, but deep inside, I don't like to share my private thoughts and emotions with anyone. Its only through the cloak of cyberspace that I am comfortable enough to write down my thoughts.
Thought or rather, frustration of the day?
Its my inability to convince her of my love for her. Some of you fellas who have been following this blog since its inception are already starting to say; "Not again!!??" It's been like 10 years? This, may one day go into the Book of Records as the longest courtship in history.
I don't know what her thoughts are; I have resorted to asking her best friend for advice. Her best friend still knows that I care alot for her, else she won't be teasing us about us flying together. Is it possible that we can take it slow and steady, starting from a companionship..joining her when she is out-stationed for short trips if possible.
6 billion souls in the world and all you need is ONE. And she is the ONE that I have found..



Seeing you

[12:30 am]

Finally we meet a mutual friend's wedding..

Even though you are sick and tired from all the flying, you still look great. It pains me to see you sick again. Your body constituition had never been good since our schooling days and coupled with the irregular hours from flying, it is nothing short of a sickness in the waiting.

I want to take care of you, to protect you from all those illness...will you allow me to do so?



Thursday, January 03, 2008

Missing You

[8:51 pm]

You just came back last night and tomorrow night you are flying off again. I worry about you, yet there's nothing I can do, except to wish you this; "Take care of yourself, yah?"

I miss you so much..yet the chances of us meeting up seems so remote due to your schedule.

Its been a long time and I have tried to forget you, but yet that 3 words keep lingering in my mind..that of "I love you"..simple yet meaningful words.

I know you don't love me, but I going to fight for your love, just because you are worth it.

But, will we ever see each other?



Back from Australia

[8:17 pm]

I am back from my long trip from Australia and it was really an enjoyable one.

For once, I led a truly Aussie lifestyle, assimilating into the local culture. Weekend mornings were spent going to the wholesale market to buy super cheap produce and seafood, which, believe me, was super cheap. Sometimes my aunt and uncle will bring me around when they are not working. A particular memorable trip was to her friend's house for lunch where her friend plied me with countless glasses of pink champagne.

That champagne was enough to knock me out for a couple of hours before waking up for dinner. So much for the warm hospitality...hahah

It was a blast catching up with my Aussie and Bruneian cousins since the Bruneian one was visiting with his family. What caught my attention was that the Aussies don't celebrate Xmas like we do here in the form of celebrations in the streets, prefering to do it in their homes with their close friends and families.

The city center was a dead town with no soul in sights and not much of a light-up like we have in town. Their light-up tends to come in the form of lavishly decorated homes similar to what our Malay friends do for Hari Raya. They also enter their houses for decorations and use the occasion to open up for others to view and also raise funds for the needy.

I and my Bruneian cousin spent our Xmas eve night helping to roast the turkey using coal-fired stove. Xmas day was spent having a Xmas lunch and opening Xmas presents. Even for a visitor like me was given a present, which made me feel bad, as I came pretty empty-handed. In the end, I bought some gifts during the post-xmas sale for them as a token of appreciation to my aunt and family for taking care of me.

Besides leading a typical Aussie lifestyle, I drove down to Fremantle, Albany and the famed Busselton jetty. I didn't have much of a time to go down to Magaret River and the Wave Rock. In fact, I spent alot of time in Fremantle as yours truly adored the Fish 'n Chips there. So be sure to visit Kailis for the Fish 'n Chips the next time you are in Fremantle.

My only gripe was the hot weather; it hit 40+ deg on Xmas Day itself, and the irritating bottleflies. Other than that, Down-Under was a relaxing place with plenty friendly and warm people. I am planning to go back there somewhere in Oct, but I am going to do Adelaide first before spending a few days in Perth visiting my relatives. Anyone interested?



Happy 2008 to all of you!!!

[7:59 pm]

Hello to 2008 and a belated Happy New Year to all you fellas!!!

May the new year bring you plenty of joy, laughter and love.

Ok, enough of all these well-wishes. Now, looking back, 2007 has been a mixture of good and bad year for me. It was good on the career front with plenty of opportunities and my bosses were appreciative of my efforts. Hopefully, with so much hard work, a possibility of upgrade of grade? *Wishful thinking...*

On the love front, there were nothing much to boast about. Friends were concerned about my somewhat pathetic state in matters of the heart. Some helped by introducing their friends/colleagues to me, which I were very appreciative of. But sad to say, it didn't work out in the end.

Sometimes I ask myself, am I meant to be carry on with my life partially complete? Who will be the ONE to complete me? It may sound kinda naive, but I am still the old-school guy who believes in true love and soul mate thingy.

Looking ahead in 2008, the alamanc says the career and love front would be good for hopefully everything will work out for me.


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Finding A World Of My Own

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser